Books, Authors, Illustrators
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In Military Hegemony, John Wright analyzes at why nations decide to embark on campaigns to steal each other’s territory. The invasion of Ukraine by the Russia in February 2022 shocked the Western world with its suddenness and brutality. Western countries, especially commercial partners with Russia like Germany, could not fathom why Russian forces would lurch across a neighbor’s borders, seeking land and control. Sadly, much of the reason this action went misunderstood. Military Hegemony discusses why the seizure of a neighbor’s belongings, especially land, is a foreign policy decision that has not gone out of style. In fact, conquest is becoming a more likely policy choice, especially for US rivals, as the world continues towards what looks like a more multipolar geopolitical framework. Whether or not one agrees with the degree of this multipolarity, one thing is true: conquest remains a reality all modern nation-states must face.
Military Hegemony examines things we take for granted—why the land we all live on is so important for life, why we all need armies, why large swathes of contiguous territory are critical to security—and combines them with classical and proven understandings of military strategy and political philosophy.
Amazon Best Seller – #1 New Release
Click here to purchase Military Hegemony on Amazon.
Syrup Sandwiches is a powerful story about a boy who defeats the odds, rising above the expected outcome for a child raised in poverty. Subjected to neglectful, abusive men, Anthony Owens still becomes a successful man and the caring, responsible father he never had. Owens is one of the underrepresented voices in American – a black man raised by a single mother struggling to make ends meet, he speaks for the voices that so often go unheard. Anthony is a child who made it out against the odds of poverty, an absentee father, trauma, violence, and gang brutality. Breaking the cycle of his circumstances he makes a way out of no way. Syrup Sandwiches is an inspiring story that gives hope to all children of poverty. Syrup Sandwiches is a must-read book in a time when society is looking at stories that speak to the black American experience, this is a story that is unapologetically authentic.
Amazon Best Seller
Click here to purchase Syrup Sandwiches on Amazon.
We Can Do Better was inspired by the ballooning needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Author, Dee Jomo, takes a fresh look at society to analyze the needs of people and the ways we can all contribute to meeting those needs. Dee gives readers various options for helping others. Some are simple and just common sense, while others are more complex or things you may have never thought about. In addition, she addresses some of the issues surrounding marginalized populations as they struggle to navigate life with a focus on sustainable solutions for many people which includes showing respect for all people, even those traditionally looked down upon by society because of age, race, economic class, and occupation.
Click here to purchase We Can Do Better on Amazon.
Parenting is tough enough under “normal” circumstances, ie having adequate financial resources and psychosocial support with both parents sharing in the responsibilities. It helps, to be raising children in a familiar environment, or at least one’s home country. But these ideal circumstances might actually be more of the exception than the rule in our age of mobility. The challenges of mobility are amplified when migrants begin a new family in unfamiliar environments.
Parenting guides rarely consider these challenges that come about from mobility and migration. Lutie Orteza Lee’s book addresses this with research and her own parenting experiences as a Filipina who migrated to the United States.
Click here to purchase Culture Clash on Amazon.
Our lives are made up of daily negotiations to get what we want. A strong negotiator gets more of what he or she wants from life. Strong negotiation gives greater power in our lives. The strongest and least appreciated negotiator in American history is President Dwight David Eisenhower. In Good Faith is a guide to strong negotiation skills for individuals who are entering the workforce and want to improve their negotiating skills. It is also an insightful resource for those who are in the workforce and want to advance their careers by improving their negotiation skills. This is a must-read book by Dr. Lou Villaire.
Click here to purchase In Good Faith on Amazon.
Parents REACH for Success is the book parents have been waiting for to help their child achieve the growth mindset that is necessary for school success. It is a quick read for parents, caregivers and anyone in the education field who wants to positively impact the success of students in today’s demanding classrooms! Belinda Adam’s 4 strategies are not complicated; however, the importance of laying the foundation beginning at the relationship level and building up to logical consequences is what makes the strategies so successful at home and in the classroom. Using the acronym REACH for her 4 components is no mistake because, as parents and caregivers, we are always REACHING to find the next positive strategy that can transform children into lifelong learners.
Click here to purchase Parents REACH for Success on Amazon.
On May 10, 1776, Virginia reversed itself and authorized its delegation to the Second Continental Congress to urge that body to support a resolution declaring Independence. Knowing this, five days later, the Congress itself urged its 13 member colonies to form new constitutions “sufficient to the exigencies of their affairs” and based on “the authority of the people only.”As they did so, they toppled the only world they and their ancestors ever knew: that of Kings, inherited Nobility, and an Established Religion. With a war for survival raging about them, a bench of lesser-known Founding Fathers stepped in to help re-create the first several American Republics. This astounding outburst of creativity adapted solutions that fit the characters of each new state and set the agenda for their children. This volume is in tribute to these many warriors and statesmen who had a singular opportunity “to begin the world over again.”
Click here to purchase Beginning the World Over Again on Amazon.
Uprooted Identities: Where’s Home? by Lutie Orteza Lee challenges the colonial mentality, crab mentality, racism, and shared identity with the American culture. Written with a Filipino historical background, yet it is applicable to many different cultures. It further asks, “Where’s Home?” a theological question that draws the reader to a deeper level introspection. A must read for all considering the impact of culture on daily life.
Click here to purchase Uprooted Identities on Amazon.

Back to the Garden puts the transformative power of God on full display in this transparent, vulnerable narrative of a couple whose marriage once teetered on the brink of divorce, but was miraculously redeemed. It tells of their journey from a deepening spiral of self-inflicted failure to a place of mutual fulfillment, unexpected joy and abiding love – the things we all long for in marriage. Join Dave and Laura on this metaphoric trek down a long and perilous trail that leads the reader back to the heart of God’s original intention for marriage. With the authors as your guides, you will see the dangers they faced, the spiritual and practical lessons they learned along the way, and how God supernaturally intervened to see them safely to their destination. The Garden at the end of the trail is a place of transcendence, where marriage moves from the merely earthly to the eternal, just the way God designed it from the beginning. Back to the Garden is a resounding testimony of how God can transform even the greatest marriage failures into even greater portraits of grace. Come along and experience it for yourself.
Click here to purchase Back to the Garden on Amazon.
Do you want to raise smart kids? Of course you do! Everyone wants their children to be successful! But raising kids in today’s world is hard. You are competing with video games, social media, Netflix and more. Plus you are working, trying to run a household and maintain relationships. Parents need simple, effective ways to help their children be successful.
#SmartParentsDoThis will solve your parenting dilemmas with easy-to-follow steps. #SmartParentsDoThis will guide you as you develop a School Smart Home that will ensure your child is on the path to success.
Dr. Audrey McKenna Wittenauer, Dr. Karla Holland and Ms. Zabrina Grisby have over 50 plus years of experience in the field of education and social work, where they have supported youth and families in numerous capacities. They have a passion for ensuring that families, schools and communities engage in children’s learning and development.
The success of your children is one of the most important jobs you will ever have. No one wants to fail or leave this up to chance. #SmartParentsDoThis will give you the road map to start your children on the path to achievement. By learning how to create a School Smart Home you will be setting your child up for positive results in school and life.
Click here to purchase #SmartParentsDoThis on Amazon.

What is one way to boost the self-esteem, empathy and cognitive levels of students? If you guessed curriculum, you’re incorrect. Therapy animals, of course! Belinda Adams uses her training as a certified trauma professional and her nearly 20 years of experience working with at-risk students to help her students learn to understand their body’s reaction to strong emotions and discover personal strategies that help bring them back to a calm state to become ready to learn. For Belinda, introducing a therapy dog to her students only made sense. Belinda says, “The weekly addition of Carly allowed the students to experience unconditional love and to give unconditional love.” Therapy Animals is the perfect book for any educator or administrator who is looking for ways to help students.
Click here to purchase Therapy Animals on Amazon.

Defenseless by Barbara Marvin is a mystery set in sunny Florida. It was just another ordinary day on the job for Jack when a gruesome discovery was made. After years of planning and working out the details with the city of Sarasota, it looked like Jack was finally going to realize his dreams as the equipment began arriving to clear the land and excavate the foundation for the new development. That is until about noon, when John ran over to Jack screaming to call 911 and come quick.
Click here to purchase Defenseless on Amazon.

REACH for Success is a quick read for educators, teacher mentors, administrators and anyone in the education field who wants to positively impact their classrooms! Belinda Adams’ 4 strategies are not complicated; however, the importance of laying the foundation beginning at the relationship level and building up to logical consequences is what makes the strategies so successful in the classroom. Using the acronym REACH for her 4 components is no mistake because, as everyone knows in the education field, we are always REACHING to find the next positive strategy that can be the positive instructional difference that transforms your classrooms into a great learning environment.
Click here to purchase REACH for Success on Amazon.

The Road to Jordan is the personal memoir of Jacqueline Giorgi Wilson. Born in France, Jacqueline became a naturalized United States citizen after marrying Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV. His post during The Road to Jordan was in Baghdad as Director of Affairs at the United States Embassy. Jacqueline talks of their time in Iraq both on a personal level as well as official duties and events. She recounts the United States evacuation of Baghdad in 1989 immediately after the bombing of Kuwait by Iraqi forces. And then addresses the difficulties she faced in returning to the United States while Joseph was still in Baghdad directing the evacuation of American citizens and securing sensitive documents vital to the welfare of the United States. The Road to Jordan will give you a look at the personal side of life in Baghdad in the 1980s.
Click here to purchase The Road to Jordan on Amazon.

Can You See Me Yet?: The follow-up book to Belinda’s best-selling book, Can You See Me?, is a must read for educators, administrators, school support staff, and anyone else interested in how the academic and emotional outlook for students of poverty can be improved. Research shows that 21% of American children live below the poverty level; that’s 1 in 5 children who struggle with the traumatic stress of housing instability, food insecurities, and unaddressed physical and emotional issues to mention a few items.
These factors can result in troubled students who are difficult to educate and even more difficult to support emotionally unless we make ourselves aware of their special circumstances and implement strategies to meet their unique needs. Knowing the realities of poverty (and understanding these disparities might be part of a student’s life) may be the only way to take away the sadness and hopelessness that poverty instills. Belinda has spent her entire teaching career working with at-risk students, and the stories and strategies presented in this book have resulted in excellent academic growth and social/emotional regulation for her students. FREE Reflection and Implementation Guide included.
Click here to purchase Can You See Me Yet? on Amazon.

Trauma does not discriminate. The lasting effects that trauma brings into a child’s life applies to all students from all demographics – varying financial status, culture, and different family dynamics. Trauma does not discriminate. It is adept at impacting all students. Trauma has impacted the lives of 1 out of 4 children. Chances are you have one of those children in your classroom or school today. Teachers are in a unique situation to positively impact the lives of children living with trauma, perhaps making the difference that helps them see their future with hope. Belinda Adams’ new book, There Is More to Me than She Can See reveals the keys to helping those children struggling from trauma.
Click here to purchase There Is More to Me than She Can See on Amazon.

Why did our forefathers revolt against Great Britain? Was it really just about the taxes? Or was it mainly about a new threat to their Ancient Rights as Englishmen? Check out Roots of the First American Republic by Dan Madden as he takes us into the royal palaces in London and Versailles. We meet such colorful characters there as William Pitt, John Wilkes, Charles Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Madame Pompadour. Then, we watch as a new young king slowly undermines the loyalties of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Dickinson, and John Adams. Finally, the fatal chain of events that occurred after 1770 on both sides of the Atlantic. By September 1774, London officials are angry, and New Englanders are in open revolt. This is the tale of how the “world turned upside down.” It will fill Americans with pride in their Constitutional heritage.
Click here to purchase Roots of the First American Republic on Amazon.
Click here to purchase Dan’s first book Twisty Trail from Homer to Copernicus.

Saving My Sanity by Paul Tsuda is a collection of non-academic poems for readers to enjoy without the academic rules that restrain the poet. In this non-academic style, Paul Tsuda has published a collection of poems dealing with life in a way that is meant to connect with the reader. Dealing with everyday life struggles, the author finds solace and sanity in writing and the written word.
Click here to purchase this Saving My Sanity on Amazon.

A Military Mustang: The Extraordinary Life of John W. Arens Too young to join the Navy, John W. Arens served in the Merchant Marines until he was drafted into the U.S. Army during WWII. He was active in the Israeli-Arab war of 1948 and became an Airborne Ranger with the 187th Airborne during the Korean War. Arens served during the Belgian Congo Operation in 1963 before enlisting in the US Navy where he graduated from diving school. His dive training with the Navy Seals took him to the frigid Arctic waters where he dived for eleven years. During that time, Arens also worked his way up to Captain, skippering a Navy spy ship during the Cold War and in Vietnam. Captain John W. Arens is proud to have served his country for 37 years in three branches of the military. Read all about John’s extraordinary military service as you read A Military Mustang written by John W. Arens with Charley Valera, the best-selling author of My Father’s War.
Click here to purchase A Military Mustang on Amazon.

When Nathan Decety shipped out for Marine Corps Basic Training, he brought note-taking gear. In the first part of Becoming a U.S. Marine: Basic Training in the 21st Century, Nathan Decety describes his first-hand account of the notorious Basic Training Program. Becoming a U.S. Marine is complete with stories and links to videos to generate an immersive experience. In the second part of Becoming a U.S. Marine, Nathan Decety explores recent developments in warfare and combat, the role of the Marine Corps in the 21st century, domestic policy challenges, and most importantly, suggested improvements to Basic Training. These recommendations reverberate far beyond the Marine Corps and the U.S. Military; for many lessons drawn from the chaos of the modern battlefield are applicable wherever people seek to achieve a mission in a perilous and fast-paced world.
Click here to purchase Becoming a U.S. Marine on Amazon.

In 1917 young Gracie Pollock packed her suitcase then hurried off to catch the train to Washington D.C. where she had landed a job as a government girl. She gave no thought to what lie ahead. She was ecstatic about her future until she met Mr. Clark, a passenger on the train, who informed her of the housing shortages in the busy capital. Gracie became distressed when she realized that she might be sleeping on a bench in Union Station. However, the unexpected happens when Mr. Clark invites Gracie to his home in Washington D.C. where Mrs. Clark graciously accepts her as a guest. Mr. and Mrs. Clark are eager to help a government girl. Unbeknownst to Gracie, the Clarks are a wealthy family which ultimately enhanced her opportunities to lead a successful life with many twists and turns including mystery and romance and along the way.
Click here to purchase Where the Stepping Stones Lead on Amazon.

When Cole Mitchell writes his first novel, his greatest hope is that it will sell. He misses his first local book signing, bringing his friend and newspaper journalist, Jon Albee into the picture. Jon refuses to believe Cole would miss the most important day of his career and starts making waves around town. When Cole’s body is found floating in the gulf, Jon reads clues in the soon to be best seller. The Murder Book is a mystery that will keep you hooked until the last page.
Click here to purchase The Murder Book on Amazon.

So often, people associate “trauma” with “poverty”; however, in Don’t Look Too Closely, Belinda will introduce you to the children suffering from trauma. Kids from every ethnic demographic group and income range. Kids who are hiding the hurt inside. Kids who are lashing out in frustration. More importantly, Belinda addresses how that trauma negatively impacts these children in the classroom and what we can do to help these hurting children. With stories that will break your heart, Don’t Look Too Closely sheds light on the kids who want to remain in the shadows, but at the same time, are longing for someone to care. This book will provide strategies to equip us to accept and help the children of trauma.
Click here to purchase Don’t Look Too Closely on Amazon.
Click here to purchase Quick Start companion publication.

Can You See Me? is a book for educators, administrators, and just about anyone else who wants to understand why students of poverty are struggling in today’s white, middleclass educational model. Belinda Adams explains cultural differences and how educators can use this knowledge to change the classroom into a place where all children feel seen and understood. Years of success working with students of poverty has given Belinda a clear picture of what works and what doesn’t. Read this light-hearted and informative book, full of stories that will make you laugh and make you cry.
Click here to purchase Can You See Me on Amazon.
Click here to puchase Quick Start companion publication.

A week from Christmas, 1959, Cliff and Christine Walker and their two children were murdered by a person or persons unknown. The case riveted the attention of millions as it spawned a national manhunt. Yet, more than 50 years after the murders, they remain unsolved. Unfinished Business, based loosely on the crime, is steeped in Florida lore and culture. James Jenkins, recently released from prison, comes to Citrus City and learns that his brother, sister-in-law, and his niece and nephew were murdered. He starts an investigation that shakes the sleepy town and propels the good ole boy sheriff into taking action. Love, adventure and suspense make Unfinished Business a page-turner. The book’s evocation of the Walker murder makes it must reading for all who remember that tragic day in December, 1959.
Click here to purchase Unfinished Business on Amazon.

Use this simple guide to help your child survive Common Core Math with self-esteem and your relationship intact. A quick read that will enable you to immediately help your child become successful while giving background information on Common Core problems and your goals for your child. Find out what the problems are with Common Core Math. Look at the goals we should all have for our children. Find out what will help your child make sense out of the confusion. Books are available on Amazon.
Click here to purchase Surviving Common Core Math on Amazon.

A power broker is found murdered in his own home, wrapped in duct tape, and stabbed to death with surgical precision. Sarasota detectives arrive and soon find out the dead man is not who anyone, including his wife, thinks he is. A trail of deception and betrayal leads Sarasota detective, Willa Dupree, on a hunt for a killer. Based loosely on the Mummy Murder Case of 1959, which remains unsolved, Deceptive Business captures the sense and sensibilities of Sarasota. Books are available on Amazon.
Click here to purchase Deceptive Business on Amazon.

A Month of Classical Music: A Music Lover’s Diary is a delightful book featuring an eclectic selection of musical pieces. Music lovers everywhere will enjoy reading about little-known composers along with some well-known favorites. With multiple selections each day, Moore shares information and his insights to add to listening pleasure and appreciation. Interesting tidbits and a personal response to pieces make this book unique. Unlike most books about classical music, Anthony shares information that everyone can appreciate. Sit back and enjoy the timeless pieces that Anthony has selected this month and be inspired to add to your personal collection.
Click here to purchase A Month of Classical Music on Amazon.
Meet some of our authors. Anchor Book Press, Ltd supports the up and coming author publishing a first book as well as the experienced author who is continuing to share published books with the world. To join our ranks of published authors, contact us today. Once your manuscript has been accepted, you can join our family of authors by sending a photo to add to our page. Include a short author bio or we can help create one for you. In marketing your book, the more sites you are mentioned on, the higher you rank in the search algorithm. Just one more service that is included with our packages!

John C. Wright –
Lieutenant Colonel John C. Wright is a US Air Force officer, pilot, former commander, and military strategist. He is a veteran of campaigns in both Iraq and Afghanistan. John is also a Foreign Area Officer and specializes in Japanese language, culture, and US-Japan and Indo-Pacific political-military affairs. He lives in Tokyo, Japan.
Wright’s experience, education, and research has given him the expertise needed to write Military Hegemony which examines the complex issues in war and why governments pursue this violent option to provide security.

Anthony Owens –
A native of Georgia, but growing up in Brooklyn, New York, Anthony Owens considers himself a Brooklynite. Anthony proudly served 20 years in active-duty service in the United States Navy, providing humanitarian aid to foreign countries and fighting in two wars. Anthony has a long list of distinguished military awards and decorations for his exemplary service to our country. With an MBA from Saint Leo University, he is a federal information technology specialist in Virginia. A provider and protector for his mother, siblings, his only son, his wife of thirty-eight years, and his granddaughter. Anthony has broken the cycle of poverty and fatherlessness in his family. Read Syrup Sandwiches to hear what it takes for a child to succeed when the odds are against you.

Dee Jomo –
Dee Jomo has always believed in the need to help others with a soft spot in her heart for seniors who are in need of companionship. During the COVID-19 pandemic, as needs for services ballooned, she became aware of many areas that marginalized people were in need. She wanted to share what she learned with the goal of making others aware of needs and ways to help. A graduate of the University of South Sewanee, she feels the world can do better in helping and respecting all others. Jomo shares her ideas on how We Can Do Better.

Lutie Orteza Lee – Lutie Orteza Lee is a lifelong educator, born and raised in the Philippines with a passion for understanding the push and pull of her Filipino culture while seeking to understand others. She wrote a Culture Clash column for Balita, a weekly newspaper in Southern California and has written two books, Teaching Cultural Diversity Through Children’s Literature: Applying the Kluckhohn Model and Culture Clash: The Americanized Teenagers Implications for Parenting, Teaching, and Mentoring. Her current book, is the second in the Culture Clash Series with a new twist. She has taught for 30 years in the Philippines, Taiwan, and the United States. Lutie lives on the West Coast. She has one daughter who is happily married with two sons.

Dave & Laura Johnson – Dave is from a small Pennsylvania steel town, the third of five children. Laura grew up in an even smaller but very close-knit community in Kentucky. They both joined the Army after high school and met in 1990 when they were stationed together in California. They married later that same year and recently celebrated their 30th anniversary. Today they live in northern Kentucky just across the Ohio river from Cincinnati. Laura works as a registered nurse in the mental health field and has a bachelor’s degree in Cognitive Science from the University of Cincinnati. Dave is a graduate of the University of Kentucky and is a practicing attorney who enjoys cooking and martial arts during his free time. They are the proud parents of two adult children.

Jacqueline Giorgi Wilson is a political science major. She joined the French Foreign Service and returned to Africa (where she was born) after graduation. French by birth, she became an American citizen through marriage to American diplomat, Joseph C. Wilson IV. She met Joseph in Africa.
One of his assignments led them back to the Middle East. There was never a dull moment during her 13-year marriage to Joseph. Life was a nomadic existence with a great variety of circumstances over the years. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention her two wire-haired fox terriers, her constant and loyal companions for 25 years.

Belinda Adams has degrees in Psychology, Elementary Education, and Special Education. She worked a number of years in private business before completing her education degrees and changing careers to become a teacher. As luck would have it, her first job was in a school on the low-income side of a large district. After making it through that first year, she felt she had a calling to serve under resourced students and their parents. This was a number of years ago, before teaching was so regulated. Therefore, she was able to perfect her craft by searching for what worked for her students. With success rates at the top of the charts for students who had only known failure, Belinda decided to write a book, Can You See Me, sharing her experience with what works with low-income students. Last summer, Belinda finished her second book, Don’t Look Too Closely, which takes a look at students of trauma and what educators and other adults can do to help students suffering from trauma. Both books have Quick Start guides. Released in September, Why MATH Mental Anguish to Humanity, is Belinda’s latest book on how to teach math and science when you hate those subjects.
Follow Belinda Adams on Amazon.
Visit Belinda’s Website.

Dr. Audrey McKenna Wittenauer has 25 years of experience in the field of education where she has supported youth and families in numerous capacities. Currently she is responsible for designing and implementing district-wide parent and community involvement programs. She has a passion for ensuring that families, schools, and communities engage in children’s learning and development. Dr. Wittenauer believes that schools, families, and communities can raise the achievement of all students, one child at a time.
Dr. Wittenauer has a bachelor’s degree from Eastern Illinois University as well as masters degrees from Southern Illinois University and Lindenwood University. She received her doctorate in Educational Leadership from Maryville University. In her spare time, Audrey loves being with her family, her husband Christopher and their three children Jack, Alex and McKenna.

Zabrina Grisby A St. Louis native, Zabrina Grisby aka “Lady ZMG,” received a bachelor’s degree in social work from Saint Louis University and a Master of Social Work from the University of Missouri. While working for AmeriCorps, she was chosen as a delegate for President Clinton’s Presidents’ Summit. Then she was offered a position as a Behavior Therapist at Hopewell Center with the St. Louis Caring Communities Program. Later she joined the St. Louis Crisis Nursery as a Family Support Counselor and became the Senior Family Support Director. Zabrina was instrumental in Crisis Nursery’s first community outreach center.
She is currently an elementary School Social Worker and an adjunct professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Missouri. Zabrina served three years as Vice President for the Board of Directors for Family Resources and Community Connections Inc. She was a member of Saint Louis University Black Alumni Association, enjoys serving God at her local church, being a mother, traveling, spending time with family and friends, and relaxing. Her motto: Doing the best I can with what God has blessed me with.

Dr. Karla Marie Holland has 20 years of experience as a mental health professional providing a myriad of services for patients, students, and families. As a School Social Worker, she is accountable for the home, school, and community connection for students and families. She is also the liaison for connecting students and families to resources for social issues. Dr. Holland truly believes that the “whole child” is imperative. The home, school, and community must collaborate in order to ensure student success.
Dr. Holland has a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Central Missouri State University. She holds a master’s degree in Professional Counseling and a K-8 School Counseling Certification from Lindenwood University. In addition, she received her Educational Doctorate degree in Instructional Leadership also from Lindenwood University.During her leisure time, Karla thoroughly enjoys home organization and DIY projects. She also loves spending time with her immediate family, her dad Prines, her mom June, and older sister Kelli.

Ama Oforiwaa Aduonum is a nationally recognized playwright and performer whose solo performance of her art piece, Walking with My Ancestors: Cape Coast Castle (2019) has won national awards. Ama has a PhD from Florida State University and teaches courses in Black Music and Ethnomusicology. She directs Ghanaian Drumming and Dance Ensembles and drum circles at the university. She is also a Queen Mother in Ghana, responsible for engaging youth as they move towards progress and success. As a researcher, writer, choreographer, performance artist, a storyteller, and a motivational speaker, Ama is interested in both knowledge for its own sake and in using knowledge to address issues in society. Her aim is to motivate others to accept and love themselves and help their communities. Ama enjoys cooking and spending time with her family. She lives in the Midwest.
Photo Credit: élan Studios

Dan Madden has been fascinated with history since his high school days in Danvers, Massachusetts. He blames it on living near so many towns founded in the 1600s. Dan has a B.A. from Boston College where he specialized in European and Constitutional History. Later, he earned his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin in American Constitutional History. Dan has published two books, Roots of the First American Republic: 1745 – 1775 and The Twisty Trail from Homer to Copernicus: A Bird’s Eye View. He is currently working on his third book, Beginning the World Again. Dan lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida with his wife, Judy.
Visit Dan’s website.

Paul Tsuda has been writing poetry since his sophomore year at Stanford, but never considered publishing until recently. Paul was encouraged to continue writing by a professor who said he was truly a poet. Tsuda has a degree in English Literature with a creative writing emphasis in poetry. Poetry has been Paul’s way of dealing with a bi-polar disorder and the stress of working and raising a family. Paul enjoys Chaucer, Milton, Shakespeare, and other poets.

Captain John W. Arens and Charley Valera are both U.S. Veterans. When Captain Arens decided to write his autobiography, he did what all great Captains do – teamed up with an expert. Charley Valera, author of best-selling, My Father’s War, was the perfect match. Together they created A Military Mustang: The Extraordinary Life of Captain John W. Arens. In A Military Mustang, John and Charley tell the story of John’s journey from his boyhood during the Great Depression to his retirment today. The stories include Arens’ adventures of joining the Merchant Marines at 17 because he was too young for any other branch of the military, to being drafted while at sea, to paratrooper, to Arctic Diver, to Army Ranger and finally Captain of a U.S. Navy ship. Going above and beyond in service to our country for 37 years, John served with honor and humility.

A native of Cape Cod, Camille Buffington holds degrees in Psychology and Creative Writing from Wheaton College (MA). She has previously published poetry in literary magazines and an article in an anthology. Her latest work is a children’s book, Brain Stormers. Camille currently works in the publishing industry, but in her previous employment working with preschoolers, she discovered that children love superheroes. And I mean love. She hopes that the heroes in Brain Stormers will inspire kids of every age to investigate the structures behind their own thoughts. With a scientific mind and a literary heart, her favorite word has always been “why” (to the chagrin of her friends and family). Camille can be found practicing archery in her backyard, writing cryptically in her notebook, or playing her latest piece on the piano. Her own superpower is the ability to memorize long strings of numbers, and yet forget to grab the cookies from the oven.

An author and a Marine, Nathan Decety is passionate about improving major institutions. Nathan studied History at the University of Chicago before joining the Marine Corps. In addition to serving our country, Nathan Decety works in the management consulting and financial services industry. He previously published research on Ancient Sparta and is excited to write for non-academic audiences. He currently lives in the Chicagoland area – despite the cold.

Carol Pirog is an educator and author who has spent many years teaching students from all backgrounds. Working in wealthy districts and low-income districts, she has realized that all students learn differently. How students learn and approach education varies depending on background experiences. One-size doesn’t fit everyone in clothing, nor does it fit everyone in education. Carol’s book, Surviving Common Core Math, shows that all students can be successful in math, but not using the same methods. All students are different and the education system will continue to fail a large number of students if teachers continue to teach everyone the same. Carol Pirog is also the author of Common Core and Multiplication Facts and Common Core and Addition Facts. These books will help children build a strong foundation for higher level math skills in just minutes a day.
Follow Carol Pirog on Amazon.

A native Floridian author, Barbara Marvin has spent many years perfecting her craft. A writer’s writer, Barb wrote for years for herself. Upon completing Unfinished Business, Barb decided it was time to seek a publisher. Barb’s books are set in Southern Florida. The reader feels like they have been transported to the very cities in the book. Citrus City in her first book is a generic city that could be any small Florida town in the 50’s. Deceptive Business and The Murder Book are set in Sarasota, an area many people are familiar with. As her characters come alive on the page, the reader finds it hard to put the book down. Barb has just completed her 3rd novel, The Murder Book, which is available on Amazon.
Follow Barbara Marvin on Amazon.

Angie Woodworth has spent many years working with young children. Of course, part of any teacher’s day is spent reading to children. Through the years Angie has written many poems for children. Oh! Sparky! is the first poem that Angie set in book format. It is perfect for young children. As they read about the lovable, yet mischievous Sparky, they learn that being lovable and making mistakes go together. Based on Angie’s multi-racial family, artist Gabrielle Anderson portrays the mischief loving Sparky in a multi-racial family. Oh! Sparky! is the perfect gift as a read-aloud for preschoolers or a read-by-myself book for beginning readers.
Follow Angie Woodworth on Amazon.

Lois E. Hutchinson grew up in the 1950s on a farm in southeastern Ohio in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. She enjoys gardening and arts and craft projects around the house. She also likes hiking and rides on old country roads but spending time with her family and friends is her favorite pastime of all.
She became interested in writing after listening to her grandmother reminiscing of bygone days. Her grandmother would tell exciting stories of her own childhood as well as stories of her father who fought in the Civil War. This prompted Lois to take an interest in American and Ohio history which led to writing historical fiction.

Kojo Kisseh Aduonum, a.k.a. Dark Chocolate, is a talented young artist, who has been drawing since he could hold a pencil at 2. He enjoys working with his 2 or 3 favorite mediums to create his artwork. Kojo’s career goal is to become an airline pilot. In the meantime, he plays the trumpet and mid-field on the soccer team. When he is not drawing, Kojo likes to skateboard, read comic books, listen to music, and play games with his family. He loves playing outside whether it is hot or cold and roams in the wilderness any chance he gets. Kojo lives in the Midwest with his family.

When not drawing, Gabrielle Anderson enjoys hiking and the outdoors. Gabrielle has illustrated several children’s books. Check out the books Gabrielle has illustrated: Hunting Red, Oh! Sparky! and What Do Fish Do When It Floods? Available on Amazon.
Click here for Oh! Sparky!
Click here for Hunting Red.
Click here for What Do Fish Do When It Floods?

Sharon Burchett is a new illustrator for Anchor Book Press, Ltd. She has solo exhibitions in Illinois and Oklahoma in various locations. Sharon has an associates degree in art and a master’s degree in art history. Her works are displayed in over 140 private collections around the United States. Sharon’s works are based on inspiration and personal expression. Typical mediums include acrylic, enamel, watercolor, pastels, chalks and pencils. Contact Sharon through Anchor Book Press, Ltd or visit Sharon’s website.
Click here to visit Sharon’s website.

Kristina Kalogeras is a new illustrator for Anchor Book Press, Ltd. She has worked on the Brain Stormers by Camille Buffington. Kristina has a degree from Wheaton College in Massachusetts. She enjoys storytelling. She has been part of the Great Woods Symphony Orchestra and worked backstage in theatre. A dual citizen, Kristina spends her summers in Greece participating in music festivals as a wild card. She does anything from photography, tech crew and social media management, to performing in choruses and chamber ensembles.
Check out some of the recent titles of the books we are featuring. As an Anchor Book Press, Ltd author, your published books will be featured on our site in the Books Section. This will help your books show up in Google searches. This advertisement is included in your package when we accept your manuscript.
In Military Hegemony, John Wright analyzes at why nations decide to embark on campaigns to steal each other’s territory. The invasion of Ukraine by the Russia in February 2022 shocked the Western world with its suddenness and brutality. Western countries, especially commercial partners with Russia like Germany, could not fathom why Russian forces would lurch across a neighbor’s borders, seeking land and control. Sadly, much of the reason this action went misunderstood. Military Hegemony discusses why the seizure of a neighbor’s belongings, especially land, is a foreign policy decision that has not gone out of style. In fact, conquest is becoming a more likely policy choice, especially for US rivals, as the world continues towards what looks like a more multipolar geopolitical framework. Whether or not one agrees with the degree of this multipolarity, one thing is true: conquest remains a reality all modern nation-states must face.
Military Hegemony examines things we take for granted—why the land we all live on is so important for life, why we all need armies, why large swathes of contiguous territory are critical to security—and combines them with classical and proven understandings of military strategy and political philosophy.
Amazon Best Seller – #1 New Release
Click here to purchase Military Hegemony on Amazon.
Syrup Sandwiches is a powerful story about a boy who defeats the odds, rising above the expected outcome for a child raised in poverty. Subjected to neglectful, abusive men, Anthony Owens still becomes a successful man and the caring, responsible father he never had. Owens is one of the underrepresented voices in American – a black man raised by a single mother struggling to make ends meet, he speaks for the voices that so often go unheard. Anthony is a child who made it out against the odds of poverty, an absentee father, trauma, violence, and gang brutality. Breaking the cycle of his circumstances he makes a way out of no way. Syrup Sandwiches is an inspiring story that gives hope to all children of poverty. Syrup Sandwiches is a must-read book in a time when society is looking at stories that speak to the black American experience, this is a story that is unapologetically authentic.
Amazon Best Seller
Click here to purchase Syrup Sandwiches on Amazon.
We Can Do Better was inspired by the ballooning needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Author, Dee Jomo, takes a fresh look at society to analyze the needs of people and the ways we can all contribute to meeting those needs. Dee gives readers various options for helping others. Some are simple and just common sense, while others are more complex or things you may have never thought about. In addition, she addresses some of the issues surrounding marginalized populations as they struggle to navigate life with a focus on sustainable solutions for many people which includes showing respect for all people, even those traditionally looked down upon by society because of age, race, economic class, and occupation.
Click here to purchase We Can Do Better on Amazon.
Parenting is tough enough under “normal” circumstances, ie having adequate financial resources and psychosocial support with both parents sharing in the responsibilities. It helps, to be raising children in a familiar environment, or at least one’s home country. But these ideal circumstances might actually be more of the exception than the rule in our age of mobility. The challenges of mobility are amplified when migrants begin a new family in unfamiliar environments.
Parenting guides rarely consider these challenges that come about from mobility and migration. Lutie Orteza Lee’s book addresses this with research and her own parenting experiences as a Filipina who migrated to the United States.
Click here to purchase Culture Clash on Amazon.
Our lives are made up of daily negotiations to get what we want. A strong negotiator gets more of what he or she wants from life. Strong negotiation gives greater power in our lives. The strongest and least appreciated negotiator in American history is President Dwight David Eisenhower. In Good Faith is a guide to strong negotiation skills for individuals who are entering the workforce and want to improve their negotiating skills. It is also an insightful resource for those who are in the workforce and want to advance their careers by improving their negotiation skills. This is a must-read book by Dr. Lou Villaire.
Click here to purchase In Good Faith on Amazon.
Parents REACH for Success is the book parents have been waiting for to help their child achieve the growth mindset that is necessary for school success. It is a quick read for parents, caregivers and anyone in the education field who wants to positively impact the success of students in today’s demanding classrooms! Belinda Adam’s 4 strategies are not complicated; however, the importance of laying the foundation beginning at the relationship level and building up to logical consequences is what makes the strategies so successful at home and in the classroom. Using the acronym REACH for her 4 components is no mistake because, as parents and caregivers, we are always REACHING to find the next positive strategy that can transform children into lifelong learners.
Click here to purchase Parents REACH for Success on Amazon.
On May 10, 1776, Virginia reversed itself and authorized its delegation to the Second Continental Congress to urge that body to support a resolution declaring Independence. Knowing this, five days later, the Congress itself urged its 13 member colonies to form new constitutions “sufficient to the exigencies of their affairs” and based on “the authority of the people only.”As they did so, they toppled the only world they and their ancestors ever knew: that of Kings, inherited Nobility, and an Established Religion. With a war for survival raging about them, a bench of lesser-known Founding Fathers stepped in to help re-create the first several American Republics. This astounding outburst of creativity adapted solutions that fit the characters of each new state and set the agenda for their children. This volume is in tribute to these many warriors and statesmen who had a singular opportunity “to begin the world over again.”
Click here to purchase Beginning the World Over Again on Amazon.
Uprooted Identities: Where’s Home? by Lutie Orteza Lee challenges the colonial mentality, crab mentality, racism, and shared identity with the American culture. Written with a Filipino historical background, yet it is applicable to many different cultures. It further asks, “Where’s Home?” a theological question that draws the reader to a deeper level introspection. A must read for all considering the impact of culture on daily life.
Click here to purchase Uprooted Identities on Amazon.

Back to the Garden puts the transformative power of God on full display in this transparent, vulnerable narrative of a couple whose marriage once teetered on the brink of divorce, but was miraculously redeemed. It tells of their journey from a deepening spiral of self-inflicted failure to a place of mutual fulfillment, unexpected joy and abiding love – the things we all long for in marriage. Join Dave and Laura on this metaphoric trek down a long and perilous trail that leads the reader back to the heart of God’s original intention for marriage. With the authors as your guides, you will see the dangers they faced, the spiritual and practical lessons they learned along the way, and how God supernaturally intervened to see them safely to their destination. The Garden at the end of the trail is a place of transcendence, where marriage moves from the merely earthly to the eternal, just the way God designed it from the beginning. Back to the Garden is a resounding testimony of how God can transform even the greatest marriage failures into even greater portraits of grace. Come along and experience it for yourself.
Click here to purchase Back to the Garden on Amazon.
Do you want to raise smart kids? Of course you do! Everyone wants their children to be successful! But raising kids in today’s world is hard. You are competing with video games, social media, Netflix and more. Plus you are working, trying to run a household and maintain relationships. Parents need simple, effective ways to help their children be successful.
#SmartParentsDoThis will solve your parenting dilemmas with easy-to-follow steps. #SmartParentsDoThis will guide you as you develop a School Smart Home that will ensure your child is on the path to success.
Dr. Audrey McKenna Wittenauer, Dr. Karla Holland and Ms. Zabrina Grisby have over 50 plus years of experience in the field of education and social work, where they have supported youth and families in numerous capacities. They have a passion for ensuring that families, schools and communities engage in children’s learning and development.
The success of your children is one of the most important jobs you will ever have. No one wants to fail or leave this up to chance. #SmartParentsDoThis will give you the road map to start your children on the path to achievement. By learning how to create a School Smart Home you will be setting your child up for positive results in school and life.
Click here to purchase #SmartParentsDoThis on Amazon.

What is one way to boost the self-esteem, empathy and cognitive levels of students? If you guessed curriculum, you’re incorrect. Therapy animals, of course! Belinda Adams uses her training as a certified trauma professional and her nearly 20 years of experience working with at-risk students to help her students learn to understand their body’s reaction to strong emotions and discover personal strategies that help bring them back to a calm state to become ready to learn. For Belinda, introducing a therapy dog to her students only made sense. Belinda says, “The weekly addition of Carly allowed the students to experience unconditional love and to give unconditional love.” Therapy Animals is the perfect book for any educator or administrator who is looking for ways to help students.
Click here to purchase Therapy Animals on Amazon.

Defenseless by Barbara Marvin is a mystery set in sunny Florida. It was just another ordinary day on the job for Jack when a gruesome discovery was made. After years of planning and working out the details with the city of Sarasota, it looked like Jack was finally going to realize his dreams as the equipment began arriving to clear the land and excavate the foundation for the new development. That is until about noon, when John ran over to Jack screaming to call 911 and come quick.
Click here to purchase Defenseless on Amazon.

REACH for Success is a quick read for educators, teacher mentors, administrators and anyone in the education field who wants to positively impact their classrooms! Belinda Adams’ 4 strategies are not complicated; however, the importance of laying the foundation beginning at the relationship level and building up to logical consequences is what makes the strategies so successful in the classroom. Using the acronym REACH for her 4 components is no mistake because, as everyone knows in the education field, we are always REACHING to find the next positive strategy that can be the positive instructional difference that transforms your classrooms into a great learning environment.
Click here to purchase REACH for Success on Amazon.

The Road to Jordan is the personal memoir of Jacqueline Giorgi Wilson. Born in France, Jacqueline became a naturalized United States citizen after marrying Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV. His post during The Road to Jordan was in Baghdad as Director of Affairs at the United States Embassy. Jacqueline talks of their time in Iraq both on a personal level as well as official duties and events. She recounts the United States evacuation of Baghdad in 1989 immediately after the bombing of Kuwait by Iraqi forces. And then addresses the difficulties she faced in returning to the United States while Joseph was still in Baghdad directing the evacuation of American citizens and securing sensitive documents vital to the welfare of the United States. The Road to Jordan will give you a look at the personal side of life in Baghdad in the 1980s.
Click here to purchase The Road to Jordan on Amazon.

Can You See Me Yet?: The follow-up book to Belinda’s best-selling book, Can You See Me?, is a must read for educators, administrators, school support staff, and anyone else interested in how the academic and emotional outlook for students of poverty can be improved. Research shows that 21% of American children live below the poverty level; that’s 1 in 5 children who struggle with the traumatic stress of housing instability, food insecurities, and unaddressed physical and emotional issues to mention a few items.
These factors can result in troubled students who are difficult to educate and even more difficult to support emotionally unless we make ourselves aware of their special circumstances and implement strategies to meet their unique needs. Knowing the realities of poverty (and understanding these disparities might be part of a student’s life) may be the only way to take away the sadness and hopelessness that poverty instills. Belinda has spent her entire teaching career working with at-risk students, and the stories and strategies presented in this book have resulted in excellent academic growth and social/emotional regulation for her students. FREE Reflection and Implementation Guide included.
Click here to purchase Can You See Me Yet? on Amazon.

Trauma does not discriminate. The lasting effects that trauma brings into a child’s life applies to all students from all demographics – varying financial status, culture, and different family dynamics. Trauma does not discriminate. It is adept at impacting all students. Trauma has impacted the lives of 1 out of 4 children. Chances are you have one of those children in your classroom or school today. Teachers are in a unique situation to positively impact the lives of children living with trauma, perhaps making the difference that helps them see their future with hope. Belinda Adams’ new book, There Is More to Me than She Can See reveals the keys to helping those children struggling from trauma.
Click here to purchase There Is More to Me than She Can See on Amazon.

Why did our forefathers revolt against Great Britain? Was it really just about the taxes? Or was it mainly about a new threat to their Ancient Rights as Englishmen? Check out Roots of the First American Republic by Dan Madden as he takes us into the royal palaces in London and Versailles. We meet such colorful characters there as William Pitt, John Wilkes, Charles Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Madame Pompadour. Then, we watch as a new young king slowly undermines the loyalties of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Dickinson, and John Adams. Finally, the fatal chain of events that occurred after 1770 on both sides of the Atlantic. By September 1774, London officials are angry, and New Englanders are in open revolt. This is the tale of how the “world turned upside down.” It will fill Americans with pride in their Constitutional heritage.
Click here to purchase Roots of the First American Republic on Amazon.
Click here to purchase Dan’s first book Twisty Trail from Homer to Copernicus.

Saving My Sanity by Paul Tsuda is a collection of non-academic poems for readers to enjoy without the academic rules that restrain the poet. In this non-academic style, Paul Tsuda has published a collection of poems dealing with life in a way that is meant to connect with the reader. Dealing with everyday life struggles, the author finds solace and sanity in writing and the written word.
Click here to purchase this Saving My Sanity on Amazon.

A Military Mustang: The Extraordinary Life of John W. Arens Too young to join the Navy, John W. Arens served in the Merchant Marines until he was drafted into the U.S. Army during WWII. He was active in the Israeli-Arab war of 1948 and became an Airborne Ranger with the 187th Airborne during the Korean War. Arens served during the Belgian Congo Operation in 1963 before enlisting in the US Navy where he graduated from diving school. His dive training with the Navy Seals took him to the frigid Arctic waters where he dived for eleven years. During that time, Arens also worked his way up to Captain, skippering a Navy spy ship during the Cold War and in Vietnam. Captain John W. Arens is proud to have served his country for 37 years in three branches of the military. Read all about John’s extraordinary military service as you read A Military Mustang written by John W. Arens with Charley Valera, the best-selling author of My Father’s War.
Click here to purchase A Military Mustang on Amazon.

When Nathan Decety shipped out for Marine Corps Basic Training, he brought note-taking gear. In the first part of Becoming a U.S. Marine: Basic Training in the 21st Century, Nathan Decety describes his first-hand account of the notorious Basic Training Program. Becoming a U.S. Marine is complete with stories and links to videos to generate an immersive experience. In the second part of Becoming a U.S. Marine, Nathan Decety explores recent developments in warfare and combat, the role of the Marine Corps in the 21st century, domestic policy challenges, and most importantly, suggested improvements to Basic Training. These recommendations reverberate far beyond the Marine Corps and the U.S. Military; for many lessons drawn from the chaos of the modern battlefield are applicable wherever people seek to achieve a mission in a perilous and fast-paced world.
Click here to purchase Becoming a U.S. Marine on Amazon.

In 1917 young Gracie Pollock packed her suitcase then hurried off to catch the train to Washington D.C. where she had landed a job as a government girl. She gave no thought to what lie ahead. She was ecstatic about her future until she met Mr. Clark, a passenger on the train, who informed her of the housing shortages in the busy capital. Gracie became distressed when she realized that she might be sleeping on a bench in Union Station. However, the unexpected happens when Mr. Clark invites Gracie to his home in Washington D.C. where Mrs. Clark graciously accepts her as a guest. Mr. and Mrs. Clark are eager to help a government girl. Unbeknownst to Gracie, the Clarks are a wealthy family which ultimately enhanced her opportunities to lead a successful life with many twists and turns including mystery and romance and along the way.
Click here to purchase Where the Stepping Stones Lead on Amazon.

When Cole Mitchell writes his first novel, his greatest hope is that it will sell. He misses his first local book signing, bringing his friend and newspaper journalist, Jon Albee into the picture. Jon refuses to believe Cole would miss the most important day of his career and starts making waves around town. When Cole’s body is found floating in the gulf, Jon reads clues in the soon to be best seller. The Murder Book is a mystery that will keep you hooked until the last page.
Click here to purchase The Murder Book on Amazon.

So often, people associate “trauma” with “poverty”; however, in Don’t Look Too Closely, Belinda will introduce you to the children suffering from trauma. Kids from every ethnic demographic group and income range. Kids who are hiding the hurt inside. Kids who are lashing out in frustration. More importantly, Belinda addresses how that trauma negatively impacts these children in the classroom and what we can do to help these hurting children. With stories that will break your heart, Don’t Look Too Closely sheds light on the kids who want to remain in the shadows, but at the same time, are longing for someone to care. This book will provide strategies to equip us to accept and help the children of trauma.
Click here to purchase Don’t Look Too Closely on Amazon.
Click here to purchase Quick Start companion publication.

Can You See Me? is a book for educators, administrators, and just about anyone else who wants to understand why students of poverty are struggling in today’s white, middleclass educational model. Belinda Adams explains cultural differences and how educators can use this knowledge to change the classroom into a place where all children feel seen and understood. Years of success working with students of poverty has given Belinda a clear picture of what works and what doesn’t. Read this light-hearted and informative book, full of stories that will make you laugh and make you cry.
Click here to purchase Can You See Me on Amazon.
Click here to puchase Quick Start companion publication.

A week from Christmas, 1959, Cliff and Christine Walker and their two children were murdered by a person or persons unknown. The case riveted the attention of millions as it spawned a national manhunt. Yet, more than 50 years after the murders, they remain unsolved. Unfinished Business, based loosely on the crime, is steeped in Florida lore and culture. James Jenkins, recently released from prison, comes to Citrus City and learns that his brother, sister-in-law, and his niece and nephew were murdered. He starts an investigation that shakes the sleepy town and propels the good ole boy sheriff into taking action. Love, adventure and suspense make Unfinished Business a page-turner. The book’s evocation of the Walker murder makes it must reading for all who remember that tragic day in December, 1959.
Click here to purchase Unfinished Business on Amazon.

Use this simple guide to help your child survive Common Core Math with self-esteem and your relationship intact. A quick read that will enable you to immediately help your child become successful while giving background information on Common Core problems and your goals for your child. Find out what the problems are with Common Core Math. Look at the goals we should all have for our children. Find out what will help your child make sense out of the confusion. Books are available on Amazon.
Click here to purchase Surviving Common Core Math on Amazon.

A power broker is found murdered in his own home, wrapped in duct tape, and stabbed to death with surgical precision. Sarasota detectives arrive and soon find out the dead man is not who anyone, including his wife, thinks he is. A trail of deception and betrayal leads Sarasota detective, Willa Dupree, on a hunt for a killer. Based loosely on the Mummy Murder Case of 1959, which remains unsolved, Deceptive Business captures the sense and sensibilities of Sarasota. Books are available on Amazon.
Click here to purchase Deceptive Business on Amazon.

A Month of Classical Music: A Music Lover’s Diary is a delightful book featuring an eclectic selection of musical pieces. Music lovers everywhere will enjoy reading about little-known composers along with some well-known favorites. With multiple selections each day, Moore shares information and his insights to add to listening pleasure and appreciation. Interesting tidbits and a personal response to pieces make this book unique. Unlike most books about classical music, Anthony shares information that everyone can appreciate. Sit back and enjoy the timeless pieces that Anthony has selected this month and be inspired to add to your personal collection.
Click here to purchase A Month of Classical Music on Amazon.
Meet some of our authors. Anchor Book Press, Ltd supports the up and coming author publishing a first book as well as the experienced author who is continuing to share published books with the world. To join our ranks of published authors, contact us today. Once your manuscript has been accepted, you can join our family of authors by sending a photo to add to our page. Include a short author bio or we can help create one for you. In marketing your book, the more sites you are mentioned on, the higher you rank in the search algorithm. Just one more service that is included with our packages!

John C. Wright –
Lieutenant Colonel John C. Wright is a US Air Force officer, pilot, former commander, and military strategist. He is a veteran of campaigns in both Iraq and Afghanistan. John is also a Foreign Area Officer and specializes in Japanese language, culture, and US-Japan and Indo-Pacific political-military affairs. He lives in Tokyo, Japan.
Wright’s experience, education, and research has given him the expertise needed to write Military Hegemony which examines the complex issues in war and why governments pursue this violent option to provide security.

Anthony Owens –
A native of Georgia, but growing up in Brooklyn, New York, Anthony Owens considers himself a Brooklynite. Anthony proudly served 20 years in active-duty service in the United States Navy, providing humanitarian aid to foreign countries and fighting in two wars. Anthony has a long list of distinguished military awards and decorations for his exemplary service to our country. With an MBA from Saint Leo University, he is a federal information technology specialist in Virginia. A provider and protector for his mother, siblings, his only son, his wife of thirty-eight years, and his granddaughter. Anthony has broken the cycle of poverty and fatherlessness in his family. Read Syrup Sandwiches to hear what it takes for a child to succeed when the odds are against you.

Dee Jomo –
Dee Jomo has always believed in the need to help others with a soft spot in her heart for seniors who are in need of companionship. During the COVID-19 pandemic, as needs for services ballooned, she became aware of many areas that marginalized people were in need. She wanted to share what she learned with the goal of making others aware of needs and ways to help. A graduate of the University of South Sewanee, she feels the world can do better in helping and respecting all others. Jomo shares her ideas on how We Can Do Better.

Lutie Orteza Lee – Lutie Orteza Lee is a lifelong educator, born and raised in the Philippines with a passion for understanding the push and pull of her Filipino culture while seeking to understand others. She wrote a Culture Clash column for Balita, a weekly newspaper in Southern California and has written two books, Teaching Cultural Diversity Through Children’s Literature: Applying the Kluckhohn Model and Culture Clash: The Americanized Teenagers Implications for Parenting, Teaching, and Mentoring. Her current book, is the second in the Culture Clash Series with a new twist. She has taught for 30 years in the Philippines, Taiwan, and the United States. Lutie lives on the West Coast. She has one daughter who is happily married with two sons.

Dave & Laura Johnson – Dave is from a small Pennsylvania steel town, the third of five children. Laura grew up in an even smaller but very close-knit community in Kentucky. They both joined the Army after high school and met in 1990 when they were stationed together in California. They married later that same year and recently celebrated their 30th anniversary. Today they live in northern Kentucky just across the Ohio river from Cincinnati. Laura works as a registered nurse in the mental health field and has a bachelor’s degree in Cognitive Science from the University of Cincinnati. Dave is a graduate of the University of Kentucky and is a practicing attorney who enjoys cooking and martial arts during his free time. They are the proud parents of two adult children.

Jacqueline Giorgi Wilson is a political science major. She joined the French Foreign Service and returned to Africa (where she was born) after graduation. French by birth, she became an American citizen through marriage to American diplomat, Joseph C. Wilson IV. She met Joseph in Africa.
One of his assignments led them back to the Middle East. There was never a dull moment during her 13-year marriage to Joseph. Life was a nomadic existence with a great variety of circumstances over the years. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention her two wire-haired fox terriers, her constant and loyal companions for 25 years.

Belinda Adams has degrees in Psychology, Elementary Education, and Special Education. She worked a number of years in private business before completing her education degrees and changing careers to become a teacher. As luck would have it, her first job was in a school on the low-income side of a large district. After making it through that first year, she felt she had a calling to serve under resourced students and their parents. This was a number of years ago, before teaching was so regulated. Therefore, she was able to perfect her craft by searching for what worked for her students. With success rates at the top of the charts for students who had only known failure, Belinda decided to write a book, Can You See Me, sharing her experience with what works with low-income students. Last summer, Belinda finished her second book, Don’t Look Too Closely, which takes a look at students of trauma and what educators and other adults can do to help students suffering from trauma. Both books have Quick Start guides. Released in September, Why MATH Mental Anguish to Humanity, is Belinda’s latest book on how to teach math and science when you hate those subjects.
Follow Belinda Adams on Amazon.
Visit Belinda’s Website.

Dr. Audrey McKenna Wittenauer has 25 years of experience in the field of education where she has supported youth and families in numerous capacities. Currently she is responsible for designing and implementing district-wide parent and community involvement programs. She has a passion for ensuring that families, schools, and communities engage in children’s learning and development. Dr. Wittenauer believes that schools, families, and communities can raise the achievement of all students, one child at a time.
Dr. Wittenauer has a bachelor’s degree from Eastern Illinois University as well as masters degrees from Southern Illinois University and Lindenwood University. She received her doctorate in Educational Leadership from Maryville University. In her spare time, Audrey loves being with her family, her husband Christopher and their three children Jack, Alex and McKenna.

Zabrina Grisby A St. Louis native, Zabrina Grisby aka “Lady ZMG,” received a bachelor’s degree in social work from Saint Louis University and a Master of Social Work from the University of Missouri. While working for AmeriCorps, she was chosen as a delegate for President Clinton’s Presidents’ Summit. Then she was offered a position as a Behavior Therapist at Hopewell Center with the St. Louis Caring Communities Program. Later she joined the St. Louis Crisis Nursery as a Family Support Counselor and became the Senior Family Support Director. Zabrina was instrumental in Crisis Nursery’s first community outreach center.
She is currently an elementary School Social Worker and an adjunct professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Missouri. Zabrina served three years as Vice President for the Board of Directors for Family Resources and Community Connections Inc. She was a member of Saint Louis University Black Alumni Association, enjoys serving God at her local church, being a mother, traveling, spending time with family and friends, and relaxing. Her motto: Doing the best I can with what God has blessed me with.

Dr. Karla Marie Holland has 20 years of experience as a mental health professional providing a myriad of services for patients, students, and families. As a School Social Worker, she is accountable for the home, school, and community connection for students and families. She is also the liaison for connecting students and families to resources for social issues. Dr. Holland truly believes that the “whole child” is imperative. The home, school, and community must collaborate in order to ensure student success.
Dr. Holland has a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Central Missouri State University. She holds a master’s degree in Professional Counseling and a K-8 School Counseling Certification from Lindenwood University. In addition, she received her Educational Doctorate degree in Instructional Leadership also from Lindenwood University.During her leisure time, Karla thoroughly enjoys home organization and DIY projects. She also loves spending time with her immediate family, her dad Prines, her mom June, and older sister Kelli.

Ama Oforiwaa Aduonum is a nationally recognized playwright and performer whose solo performance of her art piece, Walking with My Ancestors: Cape Coast Castle (2019) has won national awards. Ama has a PhD from Florida State University and teaches courses in Black Music and Ethnomusicology. She directs Ghanaian Drumming and Dance Ensembles and drum circles at the university. She is also a Queen Mother in Ghana, responsible for engaging youth as they move towards progress and success. As a researcher, writer, choreographer, performance artist, a storyteller, and a motivational speaker, Ama is interested in both knowledge for its own sake and in using knowledge to address issues in society. Her aim is to motivate others to accept and love themselves and help their communities. Ama enjoys cooking and spending time with her family. She lives in the Midwest.
Photo Credit: élan Studios

Dan Madden has been fascinated with history since his high school days in Danvers, Massachusetts. He blames it on living near so many towns founded in the 1600s. Dan has a B.A. from Boston College where he specialized in European and Constitutional History. Later, he earned his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin in American Constitutional History. Dan has published two books, Roots of the First American Republic: 1745 – 1775 and The Twisty Trail from Homer to Copernicus: A Bird’s Eye View. He is currently working on his third book, Beginning the World Again. Dan lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida with his wife, Judy.
Visit Dan’s website.

Paul Tsuda has been writing poetry since his sophomore year at Stanford, but never considered publishing until recently. Paul was encouraged to continue writing by a professor who said he was truly a poet. Tsuda has a degree in English Literature with a creative writing emphasis in poetry. Poetry has been Paul’s way of dealing with a bi-polar disorder and the stress of working and raising a family. Paul enjoys Chaucer, Milton, Shakespeare, and other poets.

Captain John W. Arens and Charley Valera are both U.S. Veterans. When Captain Arens decided to write his autobiography, he did what all great Captains do – teamed up with an expert. Charley Valera, author of best-selling, My Father’s War, was the perfect match. Together they created A Military Mustang: The Extraordinary Life of Captain John W. Arens. In A Military Mustang, John and Charley tell the story of John’s journey from his boyhood during the Great Depression to his retirment today. The stories include Arens’ adventures of joining the Merchant Marines at 17 because he was too young for any other branch of the military, to being drafted while at sea, to paratrooper, to Arctic Diver, to Army Ranger and finally Captain of a U.S. Navy ship. Going above and beyond in service to our country for 37 years, John served with honor and humility.

A native of Cape Cod, Camille Buffington holds degrees in Psychology and Creative Writing from Wheaton College (MA). She has previously published poetry in literary magazines and an article in an anthology. Her latest work is a children’s book, Brain Stormers. Camille currently works in the publishing industry, but in her previous employment working with preschoolers, she discovered that children love superheroes. And I mean love. She hopes that the heroes in Brain Stormers will inspire kids of every age to investigate the structures behind their own thoughts. With a scientific mind and a literary heart, her favorite word has always been “why” (to the chagrin of her friends and family). Camille can be found practicing archery in her backyard, writing cryptically in her notebook, or playing her latest piece on the piano. Her own superpower is the ability to memorize long strings of numbers, and yet forget to grab the cookies from the oven.

An author and a Marine, Nathan Decety is passionate about improving major institutions. Nathan studied History at the University of Chicago before joining the Marine Corps. In addition to serving our country, Nathan Decety works in the management consulting and financial services industry. He previously published research on Ancient Sparta and is excited to write for non-academic audiences. He currently lives in the Chicagoland area – despite the cold.

Carol Pirog is an educator and author who has spent many years teaching students from all backgrounds. Working in wealthy districts and low-income districts, she has realized that all students learn differently. How students learn and approach education varies depending on background experiences. One-size doesn’t fit everyone in clothing, nor does it fit everyone in education. Carol’s book, Surviving Common Core Math, shows that all students can be successful in math, but not using the same methods. All students are different and the education system will continue to fail a large number of students if teachers continue to teach everyone the same. Carol Pirog is also the author of Common Core and Multiplication Facts and Common Core and Addition Facts. These books will help children build a strong foundation for higher level math skills in just minutes a day.
Follow Carol Pirog on Amazon.

A native Floridian author, Barbara Marvin has spent many years perfecting her craft. A writer’s writer, Barb wrote for years for herself. Upon completing Unfinished Business, Barb decided it was time to seek a publisher. Barb’s books are set in Southern Florida. The reader feels like they have been transported to the very cities in the book. Citrus City in her first book is a generic city that could be any small Florida town in the 50’s. Deceptive Business and The Murder Book are set in Sarasota, an area many people are familiar with. As her characters come alive on the page, the reader finds it hard to put the book down. Barb has just completed her 3rd novel, The Murder Book, which is available on Amazon.
Follow Barbara Marvin on Amazon.

Angie Woodworth has spent many years working with young children. Of course, part of any teacher’s day is spent reading to children. Through the years Angie has written many poems for children. Oh! Sparky! is the first poem that Angie set in book format. It is perfect for young children. As they read about the lovable, yet mischievous Sparky, they learn that being lovable and making mistakes go together. Based on Angie’s multi-racial family, artist Gabrielle Anderson portrays the mischief loving Sparky in a multi-racial family. Oh! Sparky! is the perfect gift as a read-aloud for preschoolers or a read-by-myself book for beginning readers.
Follow Angie Woodworth on Amazon.

Lois E. Hutchinson grew up in the 1950s on a farm in southeastern Ohio in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. She enjoys gardening and arts and craft projects around the house. She also likes hiking and rides on old country roads but spending time with her family and friends is her favorite pastime of all.
She became interested in writing after listening to her grandmother reminiscing of bygone days. Her grandmother would tell exciting stories of her own childhood as well as stories of her father who fought in the Civil War. This prompted Lois to take an interest in American and Ohio history which led to writing historical fiction.

Kojo Kisseh Aduonum, a.k.a. Dark Chocolate, is a talented young artist, who has been drawing since he could hold a pencil at 2. He enjoys working with his 2 or 3 favorite mediums to create his artwork. Kojo’s career goal is to become an airline pilot. In the meantime, he plays the trumpet and mid-field on the soccer team. When he is not drawing, Kojo likes to skateboard, read comic books, listen to music, and play games with his family. He loves playing outside whether it is hot or cold and roams in the wilderness any chance he gets. Kojo lives in the Midwest with his family.

When not drawing, Gabrielle Anderson enjoys hiking and the outdoors. Gabrielle has illustrated several children’s books. Check out the books Gabrielle has illustrated: Hunting Red, Oh! Sparky! and What Do Fish Do When It Floods? Available on Amazon.
Click here for Oh! Sparky!
Click here for Hunting Red.
Click here for What Do Fish Do When It Floods?

Sharon Burchett is a new illustrator for Anchor Book Press, Ltd. She has solo exhibitions in Illinois and Oklahoma in various locations. Sharon has an associates degree in art and a master’s degree in art history. Her works are displayed in over 140 private collections around the United States. Sharon’s works are based on inspiration and personal expression. Typical mediums include acrylic, enamel, watercolor, pastels, chalks and pencils. Contact Sharon through Anchor Book Press, Ltd or visit Sharon’s website.
Click here to visit Sharon’s website.

Kristina Kalogeras is a new illustrator for Anchor Book Press, Ltd. She has worked on the Brain Stormers by Camille Buffington. Kristina has a degree from Wheaton College in Massachusetts. She enjoys storytelling. She has been part of the Great Woods Symphony Orchestra and worked backstage in theatre. A dual citizen, Kristina spends her summers in Greece participating in music festivals as a wild card. She does anything from photography, tech crew and social media management, to performing in choruses and chamber ensembles.
Check out some of the recent titles of the books we are featuring for children. As an Anchor Book Press, Ltd author, your published books will be featured on our site in the Books Section or Books for Children Section. This will help your books show up in Google searches. This advertisement is included in your package when we accept your manuscript.
“When someone tells my cousin, Suzie, no, you’d better step back or something because she gets really, really upset!” says Austin. Don’t Tell Suzie No is the story of a young girl who experiences strong emotions when she is told no by an adult. Suzie wants everything her way and no other way! Learning to respond appropriately to hearing the word no can be a struggle for many young children. Follow Austin, his mom, and Suzie on their journey to discover how to accept the word no and move on with a successful day. It’s a delightful story for children of all ages; those hearing the book as a read-aloud and those reading independently. All children (and adults) will enjoy the colorful illustrations and the fun thought bubbles which engage children in the story. The Parents’ Section at the end of the book provides parents and caregivers with helpful strategies that are easy to implement and see through to successful completion. This section includes printables for easy reproduction.
Click here to purchase Don’t Tell Suzie No on Amazon.
Let’s go to the zoo with Auggie and Alayna to see the animals God made. God Made the Animals at the Zoo is the perfect book for beginning readers or a read aloud for younger children. The simple text and cute pictures make it the perfect gift for any girl or boy. Inset fact boxes make God Made the Animals at the Zoo a book that grows with your child. The first book in the This I Know series; God Made the Animals at the Zoo is a parenting resource about God as the Creator. This foundational truth is something every child should learn early. Additional parenting resources for games and activities are included at the back of the book.
Click here to purchase God Made the Animals at the Zoo on Amazon.
Josie has a problem. When she’s upset with her friends, she uses unkind words. Her teacher explains that mean words can sometimes “sting like a bee.” With the help of her cousin, Austin, Josie learns how others feel when she uses “bee sting words,” and strategies for thinking about how she’s feeling before she says unkind words. When Josie’s Words Sting Like a Bee is a book for children of all ages as they learn to speak thoughtfully to their friends and others when expressing their feelings.
The Parents’ Resource Section offers parents helpful suggestions for assisting their child in developing appropriate ways to share feelings. This section also includes straight-forward strategies for how to change negative behaviors, such as using unkind words. Colorful visual printables provide parents with resources.
Click here to purchase When Josie’s Words Sting Like a Bee on Amazon.
Every day is a special day at SOUL Harbour Ranch! There are so many people to visit and hugs to receive. On this particular day, it’s a special party that night that sends the SOUL Harbour Ranch herd of mini therapy horses to the Graceful Gallop Mall in search of something special to wear to the party. Each of the horses has an idea about what to buy, but not poor Mystery. Mystery searches the whole mall looking for the one thing that will make her feel special. Just when she thinks she’s found that perfect something, Mystery can’t help wondering if she’s missing something … something even better than anything she could buy at the mall. Join Mystery and the rest of the SOUL Harbour Ranch herd as they discover the true meaning of “special.”
All proceeds of this book are donated to SOUL Harbour Ranch to continue their wonderful work.
Click here to purchase What About Me on Amazon.
Are you a teacher or administrator? Are you searching for ways to boost student compassion and empathy? And raise academic scores as well? According to an article published on classroom therapy dogs, an NIH study supported that classroom therapy dogs “improve students’ reading skills, stimulates memory, and problem-solving skills and even optimizes executive functioning skills” (NIH, “Don’t just take the word of a study,” says Special Education Teacher, Belinda Adams. In Belinda’s classroom especially, where students struggle with social and emotional balance, the addition of a therapy dog in the classroom reduces feelings of anxiety and depression that gets their brains ready for learning. Especially for students struggling with emotional dysregulation, a classroom therapy dog “builds trust and trustworthiness in children and help them develop a greater capacity for empathy” (NIH, Meet Carly, the therapy dog. Follow her on her journey to become a therapy dog as Carly tells the story through her eyes. Carly, the Therapy Dog, Goes to Visit is a delightful story about one special dog and a caring dog owner who bring love and joy wherever they visit.
Click here to purchase Carly, the Therapy Dog, Goes to Visit on Amazon.
As a teacher to children from grade Kindergarten through 8 th grade, Belinda Adams has worked for most of her teaching career with students with special needs. She understands the personal, emotional, and academic challenges they face. Yet, she would point out, that the single most important factor for children with special needs is to experience acceptance for their unique characteristics. Helping her son accept himself and his special qualities was a very high priority for Belinda and her husband. Austin needed to know that “being different” isn’t anything to be ashamed of. In fact, in most cases, being different gives you qualities to be celebrated! The road to personal acceptance for one’s learning differences, whatever they may be, can be long and tedious. Parents should not be discouraged when their children need frequent reminders that they are special and wonderful. Educating them on their disability and providing them with strategies to support their weaknesses provides them with the foundation to continue to be positive in the face of frustrations and doubts. Parents can help their child understand, and even celebrate, their “differences” by sharing Austin’s story, I’m Different. Through thought-provoking statements the book reminds our children of their special traits that make them uniquely wonderful.
Mom’s Choice 2022 Award Winner
Click here to purchase I’m Different on Amazon.

No Sweat Alphabet: Building a Foundation with Fun and Games is great for parents, teachers, and moms wo are homeschooling. The alphabet is the foundation for reading and engaging children in fun and games to learn the alphabet it the perfect way to build a great foundation – the foundation for reading but more importantly the foundation for a lifelong love of learning. No Sweat Alphabet is great to give 3- and 4-year-olds a head start. It is also perfect to help struggling students catch up with their peers. Start today creating a strong foundation with your child or student using No Sweat Alphabet by Carol Pirog.
Click here to purchase No Sweat Alphabet on Amazon.

When Bobbie Gets Angry is the story of a young boy who responds negatively when he becomes angry. That’s not uncommon. Many times, young and older children struggle with managing big emotions, such as anger, frustration, sadness and anxiety. With the help of Austin, Bobbie’s cousin, he begins to learn the difference between a BIG problem and a small problem. He also learns some strategies he can try when he is experiencing those strong emotions, rather than reacting in a negative way. The parent resource section provides parents with helpful approaches and effective strategies to help young children learn to differentiate between a big problem and a small problem. It also provides parents with tangible strategies that young children can easily implement to help them calm down when they are experiencing strong emotions. Handling strong emotions in an appropriate way is a must for school and life success.
Click here to purchase When Bobbie Gets Angry on Amazon.

Are you Stuck Inside? So is Ben and his family. Stuck Inside Activity Book is a black and white version of Stuck Inside that children can color. Ben is worried and confused. Mom says there is no school, the TV says everyone should stay inside, and Ben cannot even go see Grandma. This is the perfect book to start a conversation with your children about how they are feeling. Whether coronavirus, a serious illness, or some other trauma, it is important for children to be able to discuss their situation. As a blackline master, parents and teachers can make copies for each of their children.
Click here to purchase Stuck Inside on Amazon.

Children want to feel welcome into their classroom. They want to feel like they belong there; they have a place in the classroom that makes them feel good about themselves. Does your child make statements such as, “My teacher hates me!” or “I wish my teacher liked me”? My Teacher Hates Me is the book for your child. Belinda Adams wrote this book for children and filled it with real-life school situations that children will recognize and identify with. Just feeling like someone understands how they feel can be a great way to begin helping your child find school a meaningful and exciting place to learn and have fun. The parent’s section at the end of the book has helpful strategies to build your child’s school success skills.
Click here to purchase My Teacher Hates Me on Amazon.

There is a lot of controversy concerning whether students should learn skills or concepts first. Research shows students make the most progress if they learn them at the same time. No Sweat Addition by Carol Pirog will help children understand the concept of addition while they learn addition facts. Even children that have difficulty with memorization can learn the facts with this simple strategy. This is the perfect tool for parents who want to help their children at home or busy teachers who are looking for something to supplement the curriculum. As a blackline master, you can copy student practice pages for all your children or students.
Click here to purchase No Sweat Addition on Amazon.

I Am Proud of My Ancestors: They Overcame is a book to encourage Black youth and to remind others about the influence our ancestors have on our lives. I Am Proud of My Ancestors gives a historical overview of the African culture beginning long ago in Africa and continuing through the enslavement of Africans to highlighting success today. Focusing on their strength, and bravery through injustice and adversity reminds all of the predictable pride of the descendants. Continued determination through the years sets the stage as ancestors become role models for today’s youth, leading to success.
Click here to purchase I Am Proud of My Ancestors: They Overcame on Amazon.

No Sweat Multiplication – There is a lot of controversy about students learning math skills or concepts first and if students even need to learn math facts. However, research shows that the most successful students learn skills, concepts, and facts at the same time. No Sweat Multiplication will help your child learn the concept of multiplication while learning basic facts with simple strategies. This book is the perfect tool for parents who want to help their children at home and busy teachers who want a research based strategy to supplement the curriculum.
Click here to purchase No Sweat Multiplication on Amazon.

No Sweat Paragraphs – Help your child master the basics of paragraph writing with these simple and logical strategies. In today’s busy classrooms, teachers have very little time to spend helping individual students. This results in many children developing habits that are detrimental to future success. In just a few minutes a day, parents can provide individual support for a child and help establish a firm foundation for future academic pursuits. Learn a basic key that will help your child now and in the future. No Sweat Paragraphs helps a child develop the ability to write a simple paragraph. It also offers differentiation activities to use if a child is struggling or needs something more challenging. A blackline master, you can use No Sweat Paragraphs for more than one child by reproducing child activity pages.
Click here to purchase No Sweat Paragraphs on Amazon.

Mom’s Gift, by Belinda Adams released just in time for gift giving. Changes happen. In a child’s life, big changes can spell HUGE ANXIETY! In Mom’s Gift, the reader sees Mom’s decision to return to college through the eyes of an 8-year-old boy as he shares his feelings about dealing with the changes in his life. This is a heartwarming tale that can span many changes that may occur in a child’s life. Join Belinda, through the eyes of her son, in coping with change and keeping your love strong.
Click here to purchase Mom’s Gift on Amazon.

Oh! Sparky! is a delightful book about a lovable, mischievous puppy that can’t seem to stay out of trouble. This is the perfect read-aloud for preschoolers and early elementary-age children. The cadence is excellent for young children, as it teaches readiness skills for reading. Older children will enjoy the story of a much loved puppy, even though he is always in trouble. The perfect gift for boys or girls. Buy several books to give as gifts.
Click here to purchase Oh Sparky on Amazon.

Brain Stormers is written by Camille Buffington and illustrated by Kristina Kalogeras. What better way to extend Mindset activities than teaching students about the brain and functions of the lobes. This fun book will delight students and provide a strong foundation for understanding how their own brain works. Check out the super heroes in Brain Stormers!
“In a little village called Cerebrum
In the state of Mind
There lived some heroes with splendid powers
Called ‘lobes’ by mankind.”
Click here to purchase Brain Stormers on Amazon.