Our Services

We offer end-to-end services for authors: Copy Editing, Technical Formatting, Revisions, Proofreading, and Publication!
Copy Editing
Publish a book that you will be proud to say is your own! Our professional editors will make sure your manuscript meets the requirements of Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing and other print on demand publishers. Everyone needs editing whether by us or someone else. No one reads a book that is filled with grammatical errors or poor sentence structure. Even if you do not publish with us, you will need your book edited. Prices start at $500.

Discount Available if you choose a complete publishing package.
Technical Formatting
We publish paperbacks and Kindle through print-on-demand companies like Amazon’s KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing). Technical formatting can be an overwhelming task. Most people do not want to spend the time it takes for continual revisions until it is right. One missing page break or spelling error can take 30 minutes to correct. The wrong size cover or gutter issues can take a couple hours up to a few weeks to address. The service is optional should you want to complete it yourself. Prices start at $400.

Discount Available if you choose a complete publishing package.
All documents undergo some revisions as editing and formatting take place. In addition, editor suggestions may need to be incorporated into the manuscript. This is an iterative process designed to improve the quality of your completed work.
After the manuscript is finalized from the prior activities, proofreading will be done to carefully check for errors, mistakes, typos, and formatting issues before the manuscript is submitted for publishing.
This is where it all comes together! We are a full-service publishing house. As a hybrid publisher, the author pays the cost of preparing the manuscript for publication. Anchor Book Press, Ltd completes editing and formatting, provides an ISBN, and arranges printing and listing on Amazon. Books published by us carry our imprint of Anchor Book Press. Your book will automatically be sold through Amazon. Your published book can be featured on our book page at no additional cost to you.

Traditional Publishers: These are the big 5 publishers. Writers submit manuscripts. Publishers accept manuscript and offer a contract. However, as most writers know it is very difficult to get someone to even read your manuscript, much less offer you a contract. It is a very long process. These publishers offer:

  • Advance (though it may be small)
  • Auto-Listing on Amazon and Barnes and Noble
  • Market Support (often not what is expected)
  • Wholesale distribution
  • Orders for wholesale are filled for you
  • Accept risks of publishing
  • Editor changes your book to control risks
  • Publisher owns your book and copyright

Self-Publishers: Writers who are going through Amazon or a similar company to publish their book.

  • Retain 100% of rights to your book
  • Control the content of your book
  • Set retail pricing
  • Higher royalty rates
  • Listed on Amazon or Barnes & Noble
  • Obtain editing services on your own
  • Format document and create cover independently

Independent Publishers: Otherwise known as indie publishers. This is the most rapidly growing type of publisher in the book publishing industry. As a matter of fact, some indie publishers are now so large they do not take unsolicited manuscripts. Anchor Book Press, Ltd is a new publishing company and we are currently considering all manuscripts that fit our submission guidelines. Anchor Book Press, Ltd offers the following advantages:

  • Author keeps 100% of the rights to your book
  • Auto-listing on Amazon
  • Author controls content – editing needs your approval
  • ISBN is included in your package
  • Author sets retail price – guidance on best return rates
  • Author receives higher royalty rates – up to 70% on e-books and 60% on paperbacks, less printing cost
  • Print on demand – no stockpile of books you must store
  • Your book will be listed in Books in Print
  • Support for editing – changes subject to your approval
  • Support for formatting e-books and paperbacks
  • Record keeping tips – avoid problems with the IRS
  • Fast turn-around – instead of years, your book can be published in months
  • Risks are shared by author and publisher
  • Author retains ownership of the book and the copyright
  • Lowest cost in the industry for author